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By Nick A. James
Everything in our life, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, home and job, we have attracted it.
We attract many things, we can also do things to alienate people or things.
Want to alienate someone, try not bathing or brushing your teeth for a month or two.
You’ll be as popular as a fox in a hen house.
What could you do to attract what you want into your life, learn a new language, lose weight?
The point is there are things we can do to attract people and other things we can do to alienate people.
Success in network marketing or a home business, our habits attract it or we inadvertently push it out of our reach. Most people RSVP failure to their party.
In order to succeed in a work at home direct sales business here’s items to avoid.
First it is critical to pay close attention to how our mind functions at the subconscious level. We need to be made aware it’s like a little kid, it can’t tell when we’re serious or not, and if we talk negative it will simply interpret that we want negative and bad things to happen to us.
Always remember this, our subconscious mind only processes and feeds us back our thoughts, in this way it’s like a computer, negative in, negative thoughts out, positive in, positive thoughts out. It only processes the information that we feed it.
Now that I understand I must avoid negative mental programming what do I do to program my mind for success?
Burn this important concept into your brain, everything under the sun is comprised of energy, the world was created by energy and everything we accomplish in life first starts with a thought. And a thought can’t be called matter so what is it, it’s energy.
So we ultimately create our success through the energy of our thoughts.
Start out each day by looking for reasons to feel grateful for everything we have and speak them out loud. Being grateful or thankful is like a conditioning exercise. It prepares our mind and creates positive energies for a productive and successful day. I find it helpful to keep some reminder (usually some object) with me at all times to remind me to feel grateful if I ever get discouraged.
Your next step is to define precisely what you want prior to asking. I’m sure you are aware of the expression from the Bible, Ask and you shall receive!
Many people totally misunderstand the nature of asking.
Since many individuals don’t understand asking, I think it is beneficial for your mindset toward success for the next couple paragraphs to explain wealth creation.
Most people think the world is like a finite pie, if they get more, everyone else gets less so they think I don’t want to be selfish, they couldn’t be more wrong.
What the World considers unselfish behavior is actually selfish and here’s why. The act of wanting to obtain wealth is neither selfish nor unselfish. In fact I would argue to you a lazy person who ends up being poor is selfish. In their laziness what are they doing for others?
Consider this statement, a selfish person producing wealth helps more people than an unselfish person who is lazy.
It is ironic but much mainstream thought in the world about wealth is selfish when their intention is to be unselfish. Consider this, much of the leaders of the world are always saying they want to raise taxes on the rich. Who are the rich, for the most part they are the high achievers of the world, their inventions are largely responsible for the wealth of the world. If your thoughts are to raise their taxes and discourage them from producing more in reality you’re hurting everyone especially the poor.
I believe I know why those who have this attitude think the way they do. It’s typically because the world throughout history has been made up of people and governments whose desire was to control others.
Unless you’ve been living in a cave all your life you’re certainly aware that taxing people is how governments fund themselves. However, because most people in government have never had their own successful business. Until you’ve created wealth yourself you can easily misunderstand how it’s created. Government in effect takes from one people through taxing them and gives to others. Basically this is a shell game where nothing new is created. However, you must realize that a tax on income is a tax on production. So I ask the question is more production good or bad in other words would you like more food or less food, more houses or less houses. Which of these scenarios benefits the most people? So why would you want to impose higher taxes on higher production? Why would you want to discourage more being produced when we’ve just shown how more production helps more people?
Okay we’re back off our tangent let’s get back to asking and its role in success.
What do you think of when you hear the word asking? When you were young you asked your parents for money or to borrow the car. Well what we are talking about here is much the same except we’re not asking our parents. When we asked our parents for something we usually didn’t get what we desired unless we were very specific. If we just said can I have some money we usually would get a response back, for what purpose and how much money, and if we couldn’t give an exact amount or a specific reason we most likely wouldn’t get the money. And if we asked for the car when we were 14 years old we weren’t going to get it because we weren’t ready, we weren’t old enough.
This is much like the energies of the world work when we ask, we must be specific and we must be prepared to receive.
Thus the proper way to ask is to be very precise, calculating and write it down. Next step, from top coaches is to get you visualizing your desired output from what you wrote down. For example if your goal is a new Mustang look at your hands and then envision them wrapped around the steering wheel of your new Mustang and you’re cruising down the road. The more detail you put into your visualization the better.
This next principal is very important. When we ask we always get an answer. The answer we get may or not be what we thought we would get. In order words the timing may be off. This is not to say we aren’t going to get that new house or car, but its coming is delayed until we are better prepared.
It seems the world will only let us receive what we asked for if we are prepared first. It would serve us no good to ask for winning an Olympic Gold winner in a sport we had never trained in. So a certain amount of training prepares us to receive what our goal is. It’s not enough to just think about our goal, we need to expect to achieve it. Most people place limits on themselves by thinking, “I’d like to however, I could never afford to live in a Million Dollar home”. When we think these negative thoughts we program our subconscious mind to think all these statements are true and so it will continue to help keep us poor as long as we think this way.
Poor people in a rich society are that way for just two reasons, they are either lazy or they lack understanding. First don’t get me wrong, this is not an exercise in trashing the poor. Most people are poor at sometime in their life, just ask a young student how much money they have? Many people who were once poor like myself develop an understanding of what is required for success and rise out of the ranks of the poor. There’s always time for someone to turn their life around.
Those of us who have learned the principals and have been down the path of success, are I believe obligated to achieve success so we can be of help to our fellow man. Recall the famous words of a great leader, Abraham Lincoln, “A poor person can never became rich by making a rich person poor.” In the Bible it is written, do not forsake the poor. And that is so true, however, the blind can’t lead the blind. If we are poor ourselves we can only minimally be of help to those who are poor. We cannot make the lazy person work, but we can pass our wisdom on to those who want to learn it.
So the key to attracting success is learning to control our thoughts. Without even realizing it we’ll often gravitate toward thinking negative. For example: Why can’t I lose weight, a better thought would be, I’m not committed to losing weight because if I were I would be good-looking fit. Instead of; I can’t afford that, a better thought would be, I’m going to have that or I simply choose not to purchase it now as I choose something better. Instead of thinking; I would like to have that; say or think; I will have that.
Never and I repeat never should you use the words want or wanting or need or needing. Doing so programs your subconscious mind to be in want or need. (A wealthy person is not in want or in need.) I will or I’m going to have something is a better more positive choice. Saying positive affirmations for the purpose of speaking positive affirmations is of no value, they’re only of value if they inspire confidence and belief.
Mental programming of positive thinking attracts success. Of high importance is a learned value system of wisdom and principals, of love and caring for others, that should guide our thoughts like the Biblical 10 Commandments. Who can forget the many evil men, that were guided by their own self-interests, regardless of how they hurt others, they thought they were right. They were confident and certainly attracted worldly success, but without a love for fellow humanity they reigned extreme misery on mankind (men like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many more).
Thus I believe it is very important that what we do, we do with an attitude of love toward our fellow man.
Consider this, think of all the men and women you know who seem very confident in themselves, are they successful or unsuccessful?
So if you want to attract success like a magnet, first learn to control your thoughts.
About the Author: Nick A. James is an Internet & Home Business Consultant. Get his
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