Job Employment Interviews: Preparing For The ‘Team Interview’

Job Employment Interviews: Preparing For The ‘Team Interview’

By Kirk W. Nobbe

In the course of your employment and interview process ‘career you may encounter a routine, process or ‘type of interview’ style which often is referred to as the ‘Team Style’ interview. Employing a team in the interview process, allows for shared input and expertise by a group of specifically trained and experienced staff members and employers. Its can be quicker, more in depth and in many cases read directly to a job employment offer. Pulling out the sliver all at once can be a long let painless than letting it fester other time.

A team interview may be given by a group of two to five employees. Usually the employees are trained in interviewing techniques and procedures. They will meet prior to the interview process to determine the subject areas and depth of fields that each team member will cover in the interview or interviews. A few common questions may be asked by all the team members in order to give the applicant more than one opportunity for adequate expression.

In this type of interview, the applicant meets individually with each member of the team, the team and applicants do not meet together at one time. After the interviewing is completed, the team members meet to discuss the applicant’s performance. Using common criteria, they assess the information from the individual sessions and their reactions before identifying the best or more suitable candidate or candidates (if there are several positions or a number of different positions in the organization).


Using common criteria thus, the company or organization ‘team’ will then assess the information that was elicited from the individual sessions and their individual and common group reactions before taking the next steps of identifying and choosing the best candidate or candidates.

Team interviews have very good advantages in that they give applicants the chances to meet with several people, rather than only one individual interviewer. Furthermore the applicant will get the chance to meet and interact with several different people, who at various times during their employment with the firm or organization, may well be their peers, supervisors or even direct bosses or managers. In the field of life, it often comes down to personalities and their interrractions. And relationships to each other. It can be better for both parties to find out potential difficulties and pitfalls sooner rather than later in their employment and career paths. The ‘team interview’ approach works to ensure that the personalities fit. Thus this type of interview style and process ensures personality congruence and increases the applicant’s chances of establishing rapport with a high percentage of members on the company’s team. After all the whole goal of the exercise is to enhance the company’s team spirit, morale and in the end productivity and ultimately profit.

Another team interview tactic is for several team members to use a panel interview format. This method is used when a future hire will be working directly with several management staff. Having a candidate meet with several people at once is efficient and saves valuable as well as expensive management time and expense. Travel costs as well as costs of renting a remote meeting room – such as a hotel room, if away from head office can be reduced. Thus not only is time saved, but also money. For an out of town candidate , meeting several interviewers in a single setting eliminates the need to travel to the prospective employer multiple times to the prospective employer, thus saving time and money – valuable if however chooses to pay the fare.

As a potential interviewee it is best to know the names of the members of the interviewing team and as well something about their specific areas of expertise. Again your basic research skills will come into play. Use this valuable information, which you have gleaned to enhance your presentation and performance. Lastly , just as if you were at a border post being interviewed by a customs officer , ensure that your answers to any and all interview, and non interview related questions and queries and consistent and congruent.

About the Author: Calgary Edmonton Fort Mc Murray Alberta Job ShopHow to Get Your Supervisor FiredAcer Employment Services Agency


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